Unlock the Secrets of Baking with Our Citrus Cheesecake Video Class!

Join us for an immersive journey where we delve into the intricacies of creating the perfect Citrus Cheesecake. Learn the delicate balance of citrus flavors harmoniously blending with creamy cheesecake goodness. 

Elevate your baking skills and delight your taste buds with our Citrus Cheesecake Video Class - a truly unforgettable experience for any dessert enthusiast!

Citrus Cheesecake



Pastry chef, French pastry tutor

From the very beginning, the chef sets the standards of work which help the students to get great pastries that can fill up the vitrines of demanding pastry boutiques.

The chef has few years of experience as a pastry chef in the production line at the best pastry shop in Kiev - Honey, few years of teaching at the Hector Bravo Pastry School.

He also designed and opened the production of luxury pastries in Dubai.

Many years of experience in teaching and working in the industry allow Oleksander Trofimenkov to share with the audience theory and practice at the level of world-famous pastry chefs.